
Covid-19: Hospitals Deploy AI To Diagnose It

Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University in Wuhan, China, is at the heart of the outbreak of Covid-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 that has shut down cities in China, as well as Iran, Italy, and South Korea. That’s forced the hospital to become a test bed for how quickly a modern medical center can adapt to a new infectious disease epidemic.

How To Detect Stress Level: A New Wireless Sensor

Ever wonderd if it's possible to quantify how much stressed you are? What if I told you that you actually can, or at least in a not so remote future? Actually there's been some methods to measuring stress so far: the common method for years has consisted of a stress questionnaire. The main alternative to the questionnaire, a blood test, can provide quantitative data but requires a trained professional to draw the blood, and the stress of the procedure itself—being poked with a large needle—can skew the results of a lot of people. Now there's maybe a third, better way.

COVID-19: Italy, one week later

The epidemy of Coronavirus, now renown COVID-19, in Italy is formally started on the 31th of january, when two chinese tourist turned out positive to the virus. Then, a week ago, have been discoverd the first cases in north Italy, between the regions of Lombardia and Veneto, and in just seven days it has passed from 3 to 650 people positive.

AiDIN, a Quadruped Walking Robot for indoor and outdoor [VIDEO]

Technology these days is making giant steps, and one of the more prolific field is for sure robotics. In spite of rapid development in robotic technologies, living creatures are still superior to robots existing currently in various aspects. Thus, it is necessary to understand the principles underlying the motions and behaviors of biological subjects for the control of robots. Mimicking living creatures currently becomes one of the worldwide trends for robotic innovations . It is considered as one of the most adequate way of developing a robot since biological systems provide a number of useful ideas concerning the control of robots. Recently, robotic researchers as well as biologists propose innovative ideas for the control of the walking robot system. Among several ideas, mimicking the rhythmic motion of animals is one of the most promising ways to control the walking robot system. By studying on this, the locomotion of the walking robot can be close to that of the real animal. ...